This website is about high-speed photography of liquid drop collisions, showing you moments frozen in time that cannot be seen with the naked eye.
Taking pictures of water drops is one of my passions. My first contact with the subject was in 1994, but it was very tedious with the analogue gear of that time, so I didn't pursue it for long (you can see some of the pictures from that time in the 1994 gallery). When I got my first DSLR in 2012, the subject immediately began to fascinate me again, and I started to explore today's possibilities...
I hope I can share with you my fascination about this fantastic world, and that's why I have created this web page.
In the Drop Art Galleries, you will find a selection of my works. For those of you interested in learning a little bit about the way I am creating these sculptures, you will find some background information in How To…
If you want to contact me, you can use the contact page. Please let me know if you find any dead link or experience other problems with this page. Of course, if you have some comments regarding my pictures, please feel free to let me know what you think.
Thanks for your visit, and enjoy the pictures!
Picture of the Month